Friday, July 14, 2023

Rehabbing Matilda

 We finished her treatment for anaplasmosis last weekend.  She will stay in the shade during the day for another few days because the antibiotic used causes light sensitivity.  She lost much of her hair from long term starvation, but what remains feels much healthier and less greasy.  With consistent fly control, her bumps and rashes have healed up.  She gained about 150 pounds total and looks much better.  She's not pregnant (the farm she came from had a stallion, so we checked).

The farrier was out last week.  We suspected a history of mild laminitis.  That was confirmed as the farrier removed her front shoes.  She was very difficult to handle because her feet were so painful.  Her hooves show the ripples and rings of foundering in the past.  Her right front is also slightly club-footed.  She's barefoot now and we're keeping her on softer ground as much as possible.  The rehab for founder takes a long time.  We'll try to keep her barefoot as long as she can tolerate it because that's best for rebuilding her hooves.  We're hauling her to the vet for hoof X-rays in a few weeks.  This is what her feet look like after the shoes were removed and her feet trimmed by our farrier.  Matilda did not tolerate putting her feet on the stand, so her couldn't smooth out the front of her hooves.

Left front

Right front

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